Sessions with Simon:
the impossible magic of simon aronson Simon Aronson has been a respected creator of innovative card magic for over 25 years. A close member of Ed Marlo’s inner circle, Simon struck out on new paths, combining his strong background in mentalism with his extensive knowledge of card magic to create blockbuster card miracles – that aren’t knuckle busters! The Aronson approach diabolically blends subtleties, stacks, sleights, mathematics, gaffs, thinking on your feet and much more, to produce strong, clean, impossible looking “hands off” magic, that leaves your spectators shaking their heads and uttering “but you didn’t do anything!”
Shot in June 2005, these DVDs are produced by L&L Publishing, the leader in high quality magic instructional DVDs. In this three DVD series Simon has selected his favorite creations for you. The performances, shot in front of a live audience, are fun, friendly – and utterly fooling. The explanations are done in Simon’s typical style: clear, in depth, and full of the tips, subtleties, and explanations of why Simon has chosen a particular approach. It’s like a session with Simon, that let’s you share in his creative thinking.
Bill Malone: The word ‘brilliant’ is an understatement when it comes to describing Simon Aronson’s wonderful contributions to card magic. Simon’s creativity with a deck of cards is surpassed by no one. His methods and thinking behind these gems are way ahead of their time. Now you can enjoy, as I have, many routines that will entertain and fool laymen and magicians alike.
John Bannon: There are two hallmarks of Simon’s tricks. The first is that they are totally fooling. For most of Simon’s routines, you just don’t stand a chance. The second characteristic is that they are intrinsically interesting. Beyond the actual effects themselves, thinking magicians will marvel at the subtle and devious principles Simon employs. I find many of Simon’s methods doubly fascinating – that the method works, and that he could come up with it in the first place.
Juan Tamariz: I regard my admired friend Simon Aronson as the one magician who has contributed the most to memorized-deck work since the time of Nikola. All of his tricks are models of analysis, creativity and subtlety.
Darwin Ortiz: Simon is one of the great minds in modern card magic. His creations can be found in the repertoires of many of the world's best card men, myself included. If you love card magic, you owe it to yourself to study anything he puts out.
Michael Close: I’ve used Simon’s routines for thirty years to establish a reputation among laymen and magicians. Simon’s material is appealing for several reasons: the ingenuity, elegance, and deviousness of the methods; the thoroughness, clarity, and intelligence of the explanations; the economy and directness of the handlings; and the serious amount of butt that these tricks kick.
Steve Draun: Who or what inspires Simon is beyond me. Although a member of the Marlo group from the start, he has taken a different path. If you are addicted to getting fooled, look up Simon. His magic leaves no clue with which to uncover its diabolical secret.
Each Volume separately $30 or save and order the complete set for only $80 (postage prepaid on all Domestic orders)
Copyright Simon Aronson 2014